21 August 2009


I like the new Pissed Jeans album.

01 August 2009

naming pets after androids

I've not been listening to much music. Partial to talky podcasts about boring stuff like fiction and science or streaming an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer while I bustle around the kitchen, baking up a storm.

I did put on the Margo Guryan LP the other day because one of my baby kits, Data, kept on pawing at my records that are still resting up against a wall in my living room. In a barely mild fit of "I'll show you"-ism, I took the reissue from her wee tiny paws and played the record. She was mesmerized! I giggled like an idiot for at least a solid 30-odd seconds because kittens make me laugh pretty much always.

Life's pretty cute. I wish my vacation would last a couple of days longer so I got to see folks instead of the pounds and pounds of frosting. I am learning a lot, though, about baking. Oh! I'm on vacation in Philadelphia, and I mention this because I always seem to mention this on the blog when it comes around, and by vacation, this time, I mean I spent the past week baking and frosting and decorating the biggest cake I have ever made. A wedding cake. Yikes. To be honest, I'm really curious what the music's going to be at the reception. I was sort of crossing my fingers for a Cambodian cover band. Maybe it'll be DJ playing top-40. I could always ask one of the planners but that'll ruin the surprise.