This is my summer. Sorry for not writing; I meant, too. Of course, of course. I've done typical summer music Chicago things. Pitchfork Festival. Concerts in Grant and Millennium Parks. Shows at the Empty Bottle, Subterranean, The Hideout, sweaty basements, humid living rooms, and cluttered backyards. No Lollapalooza because I don't have, what, $240? to spend. This easily has been the best summer I've had in Chicago. It's been relatively quiet compared to most others--no foreign countries, no major trips, no life-shattering events, no cute boys--but it's been a beaut. The weather has been gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous here. General positivity is bizarre, never mind the occasional bouts of lameness.
Anyway, I just purchased tickets to see Joanna Newsom perform with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra on August 22. I'm excited. That should go without saying. I've been meaning to see the Symphony, to dress up, to grab a nice dinner before and a drink after. I also have amazing, amazing seats: Main Floor, Row B, seats 101 and 102.

Though, no friend to come with yet. Chances are, I'll be scrambling last minute to find a warm body to squeeze into the seat next to me. Oh well. I've sort of settled at the idea that maybe I should start buying single tickets for this sort of thing but haven't put it into practice yet.
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