28 May 2009

who says bum? this bum.

The dumbest things make me so sad. Like the internet. Sometimes, the internet just bums me out. All of these avenues of communication are available to me and it's great, really. This blog, all of the other social networking things, Skype, iChat, you know, all of it. It's great to see the faces of the people I miss most, to read everything my friends have to say, to actually talk and communicate and share. Sometimes, though, it illustrates the disconnect I have with so many of the people I have known, want to know. Bums me out.

Young Marble Giants - Radio Silents

Listening to music by myself is like the internet. It is awesome but sometimes, I can't even begin to describe how sad I get when I'm sitting on my floor, legs crossed underneath of me, and I am there but not there. Here but not here. I am not lost in the music or some other cliche. I am fully aware of my existence, of the record, or CD, or whatever doing its thing, and all of the sound, the sound of my own breathing, of a car driving by, of a neighbor opening and closing a door, and it all just feels alien.

I don't know. This is how I am feeling about my life right now. It will probably change tomorrow.

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