21 April 2009

moving moving moving

Bobby Birdman - Moving On/Up

I'm currently in the process of packing up three years of my apartment life to move five blocks away into a one bedroom sublet a lovely lady is letting me have for dirt cheap for the month of May. After that, I'm off to a two-bedroom in Humboldt Park all by my lonesome. My landlords are awesome. We've spoken of tomato plants. I am at the south end, across from the quiet part of a huuuuge park and you have no idea how often I'm going to be sitting outside on all of that grass. My fridge is in the pantry. I get a pantry! I'm really excited! Now I have space for all of the different flours I like to have on hand. Bonus: some of the best people I know live (near) there so it'll be nice to walk to potlucks with my cakes and ice creams instead of praying, i.e. hoping really hard, that no one bumps into me on the CTA and I trip over my own feet and disaster, disaster, disaster! Cake disaster.

Excited and scared and sad and happy and adult as whoa. I've never NOT had roommates. It's time. I feel like a grown-up, though I'm far from being one. Somebody buy me a couch! Peace out, Ukrainian Village! Well, sort of. :)

1 comment:

Jamie Lovely said...

Yay! Congrats on the soon to be new place. Once I figure out a job, I'll be moving on out too. I'm hoping I can afford a place on my own with just my pup. If not, pray for no psycho killer roommates from craigslist haha

Hangouts soon?