08 November 2007

Failing Swiftly

I failed at NaBloPoMo in just a three-day period. Wow. That's okay, because I failed at NaNoWriMo in even less time than that. How embarassing. Oh well. Such is the life of a "busy" person. I JUST HAVEN'T BEEN ON THE INTERNET! Blasphemy, I know. And I broke my favorite pen but that's a different story for a different place if I ever get around to it. AND I've been sick. Look, I have a lot of excuses with varying degrees of legitimacy. Really, though, I have a sinus infection that feels like a squirrel living in my upper left jaw. I didn't know that was possible until it happened! No really. My jaw hurts and I have a sinus infection. Sick or not, I did do a lot of music related stuff since I went missing. I'll parcel those out in appropriate doses in the next few days.

Last Saturday, on the day that I did not post in this here blog, I went to the Sole headlining show at Abbey Pub. There's a lot to write and it deserves its own post. But I will leave you with the following--a Missed Connection for Mostly Certain:

sole (not the fish*) show @ abbey pub

You were by yourself, dark hair, scruffy-faced, glasses, a hoodie/vest? combo thing and a collared shirt? I can't remember. You grabbed a beer at the bar early on in the night and I almost approached you because I thought you were a friend of a friend; a friend of a friend I have yet to formally meet but have an e-crush on because I'm an idiot internet stalker fiend but this whole last bit is not relevant, is it? Anyway, I just wish you weren't into such didactic music. You were totally into it. How endearing.

*Fish pictures? You need fish pictures? You should go here.

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