10 November 2007

Stutter and Stammer Around A Cherry Tree

My friend Jamie has a super good blog that you should read: Oh! How Lovely!. A day or two ago, she asked her readers what their theme songs would be. It took a while but I finally decided on one for myself:

Beat Happening - Youth

I wanted to find a song with pizazz, with pop!, with jazz hands, with flashing lights and zing, but that's just not me. Give me fuzz. Give me simple. Give me skinned knees and Tokyo and songs that clock in under two minutes. Songs that I can play, that anyone can. I love this band. I didn't start listening to them until I first got to college all of those years ago (though not that many but a lot for my short life so far). An aside: I can't believe I can measure the time I've spent in college, in Chicago, in years. Actual years. When I was young, I couldn't pronounce Chicago. My tongue wouldn't bend the right way. Then it happened, suddenly, and here I am.

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